QB (lo-fi garage punk, Marseille)
Musée de la Matière Noire (sonic black hole, Toulouse)
Marina Margarina is an artist and illustrator. She used to live in Saint Petersburg, was a member of the Svora collective and drew illustrations for independent media. Since 2022 she has lived in Marseille and is a member of the CALE and PAPERCORE collectives.
An adverb is an immutable part of speech that designates the sign of an action, quality or object (c).
“Adverbs” are an attempt to explain feelings with a meaningful word. An adverb, like a container, contains the content of meaning. The “Les Adverbes” series of books was created to consolidate the memory of words from a new language (French) and pronounce them again in one’s mother tongue (Russian), so as not to forget. Adverbs answer the questions “when?”, “where?”, “from where?”, “why?”, “how?”.
The artist tries to find answers in her collages, created from books and magazines found on the street.