
New Stuff on distro

We have two very specials references coming to distro, from two dearest friends’ band.

VCNCS / Mëtro – Split PL
Asinus– K7 2022 2,5€

Write us if you want a copy!!


New entries in the distro

Thanks to Shove Records we have several new references in the distro:

Odessa – Costi/benefici 12,00 €
Tromblon – Je me fiche d’etre francais 12,00 €
Encore Fou – Il numero undici 12,00 €
Cages – Second Thoughts 12,00 €
Norse / Abandoncy – Split 10,00 €

If you’re interested, write us to get them!


New casettes in the distro

Some stuff coming from Pifia Records!!
Notes to myself – Embers 5,00 €
Fantasma fantasía – Demo 5,00€
Lunatics on Pogosticks – Leave your Worries at Home 5,00€
Ordara – Demo 5,00€

Write us if you want something!


New stuff from the distro

First exchange of the year arrived, thanks to Cebollas Records!
Haren – Demo 5,00€
Secuestro – Sigues adelante 5,00€
Tensión – La Ferocidad de los tiempos 5,00€

Write us if you want something!


BP#32 Filature – Demo out NOW!

Here we hare, new release from our dare friends of Filature, coreleasing with Dans le Vide. Go get your copy!


Upcoming Show : GURS + MUTHUR (05-12-22)

Since we have now the gig posters in the blog, we are going to publish also each time we have a new show coming.

So here you have, on 5th december 2022 in Bar La Loupiotte (39, rue Reclusane, Toulouse):

  • Gurs (Punk, Bilbao EH)
  • Muthur (Garage, Toulouse)



BP#24 Constante – “Esquive les Ruines” OUT NOW!

Here we have the LP from Constante (Rennes, France) “Esquive les Ruines”. It’s 12€ from han to hand.

If you want a copy you can write us.


New releases and entries on the distro

We have a bunch of new material in both the distro and the label!
Let’s start with BP#28  “Contruire le Vide” first vinyl EP from Grief. It’s a local band from Toulouse, close friends from us… We are very happy to release local bands in a DIY basis, screen printing, folding and preparing all the graphic material by ourselves. Co released with Stonehenge Records. 10€ per copy from hand to hand.
Continue with BP#25 “Celestials” from Janpalach( Ukraine).
This record is quite important to us. We were working on it when the war started, and it has been something really important to come to an end to, since we think for the band, and all the DIY community in Ukraine it’s crucial to keep doing the things we love, despite everything’s going on.

Nevertheless, we are aware about the situation, the struggle and the needs of the people there. That’s why we are going to send all the money to the band from nearly all the copies we’ll sell. That’s also why the price of the LP it’s a bit higher (13€) that usual in our label.

Don’t forget to keep update on the war in Ukraine and, if you can, support the people fighting against oppression and obscurantism.
And last but not least, some new entries to the distro:

Coma Regalia / Overo / Punch On / Zochor – Another Year in Hell (Split) 12,00 €
Saton – Ni’in 12,00 €
– “Histoire de l’anarchisme dans le Causase” PL


BP#30 Anarres “Demo” out now!

A very special release right now, the demo of our band: ANARRES.

We made a cassette version with screenprinting cover, made by our bassist, Brique Noire. You have the lyrics and a bit of the history of the band in the insert (castilian version, english to come soon).

You can have a copy by hand in Toulouse, (write us), Marseille (Bus Stop Press) and soon in Gijon (Pifia Records). Price is, Pay what you want.



BP#31 Yesavage Sauvage “Cada Átomo, cada Célula” out now!

Still summer in the south on Europe. Here we present you our new release.

35 minutes of electronic / Techno music with screamo / punk heart (and screams, obviously ;D). We sell at pay want you want price, even if bandcamp tell otherwise ;).

If you want a copy, write us.